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Tourist entertainer, hotel entertainer | Golden wave animation tourism

hotel entertainer

Hotel Entertainer. Jobs 

This is Blog Section. To send your Cv and your Application you have to click Golden Wave company recruits tourist entertainers for the most important tourism companies in the world. Send us your application through our form and within 24 hours we will contact you for a real job offer. Immediate departure. Minimum Availability 3 months. Salaries between 650 € up to 1200 €. What are you waiting for. Send us your application and you will receive a job offer with the best tourist entertainment companies. No Fee Agency

Golden Wave Events and Animation is a society of international recruiting for tourist entertainers abroad. Golden Wave Tourist Entertainers, after being accurately selected, interviewed and casted will obtain a job in hotel, resorts or holiday villages all over Europe.

Selection, Interview, Casting

In order to become a Golden Wave Tourist Entertainer Abroad for Hotels, resorts, and Holiday Villages the first, simple thing to do is to navigate into any search engine and type in our site WEBSITE Once in our portal we suggest to search carefully every page to have a first impression of what is like to work as a tourist entertainer.If you’re convinced about what you’ ve read in our website, then you should go in the section “Contact us”, where you have the possibility to insert your personal data, send your CV and download your personal form. Note on how to fill in properly your CV to become a Tourist Entertainer Abroad in Hotels for Golden Wave.

Curriculum Vitae: Tourist Entertainer

The CV must be sent in English language because the most part of the destinations are outside Italy and hotel managers are fluent in English, not in Italian. The Tourist Entertainer CV must have 2 ID photos (one close-up, one entire figure). Try to find the best and best-detailed photos so that a manager can have a clear idea of your profile. Your path to become a Golden Wave Tourist Entertainer in Hotel is well advanced. Once you have sent your CV, the Human Resource Management will receive your e-mail. if your CV and pictures meet our recruiting standards you will receive a confirmation of the iter. At this stage your CV is in our database. In case you won’t receive any mail, it means your profile doens’t meet the demand of the hotel managers.

Interview: Tourist Entertainer

Interview to become a Golden Wave Tourist Entertainer in Hotel. Once you have passed these first two steps, our Golden Wave Tourist Entertainment Agency will contact you. Our Human Resource Manager, once accurately examined your CV, will write an e-mail to better know each other and will invite you to have a first Interview online, to discuss our agency’s main targets and your future as a Tourist Entertainer in Golden Wave hotels, resorts or holiday villages.

Casting Tourist Entertainer.

After the first fact-finding online Interview our Human Resource manager will decide if you should be involved in a casting organised by us or obtain immediately the departure as Tourist Entertainer in one of our hotels. The most part of the castings will be conducted in Italy or in the main EU cities for a duration of 3 days maximum. You should consider that the invitation to our castings guarantees in 99% of the cases will result in a job offer.The real imprint we give to our Huma resource department is a simple and sensitive system, differentiated from other agencies that create a complex system of casting and selection that seems unapproachable. Becoming a Golden Wave Tourist entertainer wants to be a positive experience on both sides. The Golden Wave Tourist Entertainer must be a motivated, disciplined, well-educated, serious person with great social skills, capable of interact with his friends in the staff and of considering the customer as a friend, with the will of meeting him/her every day of his holiday.

Available Jobs: Tourist Entertainer

Job offers with immediate departures for Tourist Entertainers with or without experience, children entertainers, sport entertainers, fitness entertainers, coreographers for tourist entertainers, tourist entertainers fluent in English, French, German, Russian and Italian, tourist entertainers in Spain, greece, Italy, Bulgaria, novice tourist entertainers at their first experience, chiefs for tourist entertainer staffs, tourist entertainers abroad. Other requested positions to be inserted in hotel facilities as Receptionists, guest relations, Front Office agents, Public Relations, pizza-makers and pasta-chefs. The knowledge of at least one foreign language among English, German, French, Russian, Dutch or Scandinavian languages, is a fundamental requirement. 

Tourist Entertainer Abroad.

Every Tourist Entertainer has its own tasks and responsibilities during the day: sport,fitness or children activities or simple communication with the customers. In every team there’s a supervisor or leader. This figure will guide you during the working time, organize the program for the entire staff and help you solving any kind of problem. As an integral part of this job there is also an evening entertainment program including various shows, as dances, comedies, games, shows for children, and professional performances. Experience is not required to become a tourist entertainer: being a friendly and active perosn is enough! You will have the chance to join little teams made of 4-5 tourist entertainers or bigger teams of 20-30 people.

1) Chief Tourist Entertainer / Team Leader / Supervisior with experience: organises the whole entertaining team and the entertaining program.
2) Sport Entertainer with or without experience: organises Sport Activities and tournaments in beachvolley, soccer, table tennis, darts, waterpolo.
3) Fitness Instructor with or without experience: organises fitness activities like stretching, yoga, aerobics, pilates, aquagym, zumba.
4) Children Entertainer with or without experience: organises games and activities for children aged between 4 and 12 years old.
5) Coreographer / Dancer with experience: prepares evening shows and dance lessons.
6) DJ / Visual and Sound Technician: the person in charge of the visual and sound material during diurnal and nocturnal programs
7) Scenographer and Decorator with experience.

Contact Us and Become Tourist Entertainer.


The meeting can be organized in one of our office or in your hotel. It is also possible to meet the responsible of Golden Wave Events & Animation and organize business meeting during following World Tourism Fairs: ITB Berlin, TTG Rimini,BIT Milan.

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