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Tourist Entertainer and Hotel Animator | Which is the best agency 2021?

tourist entertainer and hotel animator

Which is the best tourist entertainment agency of 2021?

This is Blog Section. To SEND YOUR CV and your Application you have to click www.animatorhoteljobs.com Golden Wave company recruits tourist entertainers for the most important tourism companies in the world. Send us your application through our form and within 24 hours we will contact you for a real job offer. Immediate departure. Minimum Availability 3 months. Salaries between 650 € up to 1200 €. What are you waiting for. Send us your application and you will receive a job offer with the best tourist entertainment companies. No Fee Agency.


How to choose the best tourist entertainment agency.

How to choose the best tourist entertainment agency. First of all be sure that the site is present and physical. Nowadays it is very easy to check if a tourist agency is valid or not. There are many systems one check on Google Maps is actually present the headquarters. Just type in Google Maps Golden Wave Ltd and check out our tourist entertainment office. Rely on comments and social networks. Check the socials of our agency.

Golden Wave has been present for more than 10 years in Facebook with its own page and group and also a valid instagram and linkedin account. The Golden Wave makes use of 3 tourist entertainment websites. Please check all our websites in our contacts.

A good agency offers you: Assistance, insurance and explanations.

The tourist entertainer is a job that the hotels look for since the early 1980s. During the years, more and more the work of tourist entertainer had some developments. The touristic entertainer is a job that gives you the opportunity at a young age to make experiences abroad, visit new places, learn new languages ??and have attitudes of different cultures. The task is what the entertainer must do during the day and depends on the professional profile he interprets. For example, the tasks of a miniclub entertainer are to entertain children according to a pre-established program from 9.30 to 12.30; from 15.00 to 18.00; then the 30 minute baby dance and finally the evening show of about 60 minutes. As you can see, his tasks are enclosed in a timetable (about 7 hours and 30) The role is instead the function that an entertainer interprets in a tourist village. In a village there are those who are guests and those who are entertainers. Everyone has his role.

A good tourist animation agency offers you career.

Many entertainers work as a seasonal summer job, to earn a little money at the same time have fun and experience. A minority makes a career.Since specific professional training is not usually required, the job of the entertainer can also be carried out by inexperienced staff, provided that it has the appropriate relational qualities.This role can represent the first step in a career in the tourism sector. Possible advances may consist in the role of head of animation activities and also head-village or manager of a receptive structure or head area of a tour operator. It is also possible to pursue a career on their own, opening an animation agency. Those with special gifts can certainly find opportunities in the entertainment world, on television and in the media in general.

A good tourist entertainment agency requires duties.

Many consider, superficially, that the mission of the animator and animation is to entertain the guest. This is certainly true, but it is not all here. Organize the fun. In a tourist village hardly fun is a spontaneous fruit. The entertainer must organize, that is to think, plan, create the practical and emotional conditions for the fun to happen. Be a catalyst. The beautiful holidays are also so because we know other people, they make new friends, we open up to the news. A good touristic entertainer therefore knows very well that it is part of his job to make the guests socialize with each other (and not just with the entertainer). Interpreting hospitality. Each accommodation has its own style of hospitality whose interpretation is entrusted to the entertainers. They must therefore be able to interpret that particular style by making the impact on the host harmonious. Solve problems. Work, any job, is by its nature problem solving. If the world were perfect and without problems there would not even need work. So you do not have to be frightened if the tourist entertainer has to solve problems: a beach too small, or too far away, a service too decentralized, a queue at the restaurant ... they are waiting for all his work.

Tourist Entertainer and Job Descriptions

Chief Entertainers or Team Leader is responsible of all activities of the entertainers. Normally our team are minimum of four team members. 

Choreographers/Dancers. They are responsible to organize the evening show programmes in the resorts, with the ability to teaches the tema members to the choreographies.

Mini Club. Kids Animator is responsible of the kids activities at the hotel.

Sport Animator is responsible for the organization of the sport activities, tournaments of darts,football,table tennis,etc.

Fitness Animator is responsible to organize the fitness activities in the hotel such us pilates, zumba, acquagym etc.

Deejays and technical audio lights is responsible for the audio library in the touristic resort,setting the lights and audio during the evening show. 

Contact Us


The meeting can be organized in one of our office or in your hotel. It is also possible to meet the responsible of Golden Wave Events & Animation and organize business meeting during following World Tourism Fairs: ITB Berlin, TTG Rimini,BIT Milan.

Please send us your cv at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our websites www.animatorhoteljobs.com www.arbeitalsanimateur.de www.goldenwaveanimation.com