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Tourist Entertainer | Jobs


Tourist Entertainer. This is Blog Section. To send your Cv and your Application you have to click our website. Golden Wave company recruits tourist entertainers for the most important tourism companies in the world. Send us your application through our form and within 24 hours we will contact you for a real job offer. Instagram.

Tourist Entertainer : Job Role Descriptions.

Chief Entertainers or Team Leader is responsible of all activities of the entertainers. Normally our team are minimum of four team members. 

Choreographers/Dancers. They are responsible to organize the evening show programmes in the resorts, with the ability to teaches the tema members to the choreographies.

Mini Club. Kids Animator is responsible of the kids activities at the hotel.

Hotel Entertainer : Job Role Descriptions.

Sport Animator is responsible for the organization of the sport activities, tournaments of darts,football,table tennis,etc.

Fitness Animator is responsible to organize the fitness activities in the hotel such us pilates, zumba, acquagym etc. 

Deejays and technical audio lights is responsible for the audio library in the touristic resort,setting the lights and audio during the evening show.  

Tourist Entertainer: Job. 

The tourist entertainer is a job that the hotels look for since the early 1980s. During the years, more and more the work of tourist entertainer had some developments. The touristic entertainer is a job that gives you the opportunity at a young age to make experiences abroad, visit new places, learn new languages.

Tourist Entertainer: Career

Many entertainers work as a seasonal summer job, to earn a little money at the same time have fun and experience. A minority makes a career. Since specific professional training is not usually required, the job of the entertainer can also be carried out by inexperienced staff, provided that it has the appropriate
relational qualities.This role can represent the first step in a career in the tourism sector. 

Tourist Entertainer : Duties.

Many consider, superficially, that the mission of the animator and animation is to entertain the guest. This is certainly true, but it is not all here. Organize the fun. In a tourist village hardly fun is a spontaneous fruit. The entertainer must organize, that is to think, plan, create the practical and emotional conditions for the fun to happen. 

Tourist Entertainer : Skills.

Relationship skills are the essence of work. In addition to these, among the personal qualities we must not forget also a great physical and psychological resistance, a great dynamism and the ability to adapt to the most different situations. Professional training for a tourist animator It is difficult to identify a precise training path, because this profession is very linked to a person's specific skills and interests.  

Business contact: Hotel and entertainers.

The meeting can be organized in one of our office or in your hotel. It is also possible to meet the responsible of Golden Wave Events & Animation and organize business meeting during following World Tourism Fairs: ITB Berlin, TTG Rimini, BIT Milan.

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